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Monday, March 4, 2019

Are Google Adsense Disapproved? | Problems & Solutions

adsense disapproved

Hello friends, with many bloggers, it happens that their Adsense account is disapprove for some reason. There are many beginner bloggers who do not even know why their AdSense monetization has been disapproved?
In this way, we will get all the information in detail here that Google Adsense Kyo Disapprove Hota? And if our Adsense account has been disapproved , then why did it happen in Future that what we do is not close our ad account.
First of all, let's know,

Adsense Account Disapprove What is Hot Now?

It is a very interesting question that when Google Adsense team reviews once and then approves Ad on our website, then why does it shut down later?
It is so that when we apply for Google Adsense Publisher Partner on our Fresh Website, then we are not doing any such activity on our website that is Against Adsense policy .
But once we have been advertised on the website, we do not even see the google adsense publisher guide . In such a case, unknown or unknowingly, we do any activity which is against the ad publisher guideline and for this reason our Adsense account gets disapproved .

Reasons for Adsense being Disapproved:

There are many reasons, such as Invalid clicks, Spamming, Auto traffic, and due to which Adsense is not approved on our website, if it has happened then Disapprove. We all know these causes and if we are ad ban due to any of these then we will know.
But there are many reasons why our website is not Ad Show or the account gets disapproved and we do not even know why this happened to us?
ad disapproved
Insufficient Content:
Many times it happens to us that we also write 1000+ length content, but still Google Adsense gets disapproved from our website, and comes in writing due to insufficient content. If this happened on your website.
So you understand that you are making some consistent changes in the design, theme or pages of the site or more than one TITLE tag has been used in the post which you have posted.
With this, if our website has more video, image or animations than text, then this can also be due to Adsense being disabled.
Content Quality Issue:
If you use too much of auto generated content or duplicate content, then Google adsense service may be disapproved from your website. With this, if you are using an Affiliate program with Publisher Ad and you are not providing quality content for it, then your session may be closed.
Website Traffic Issue:
If our website does not have a relavant traffic or we are using auto generated traffic, then our site will stop showing Ad Show.
Unsupported Language:
If we have approved adsense on any other language and then post in a language that Google adsense does not support, then our ad account will be created. If you do not know then click here - Adsense Language Support
Site navigation Issue:
It is a reason why we do not even understand and a message comes to our website that your Ad is not showing, this is the reason of the site navigation, if the navigation of our website is not correct, Adsense will be disabled.

How to Avoid Getting Adsense Disapproved?

If we write posts on our website according to the content violation policy and Webmaster Guideline. So this is just a few common reasons mentioned above, due to which Adsense may be disapprove from our website. In such a situation, if you have to protect your adsense from closure, then you have to follow the tips mentioned here.
  • Write the content 100% unique and write another content, using Content Spinner.
  • The TITLE tag should only be used once in every single post.
  • Write text to at least 800 words and use heading, image or video where needed.
  • Always use content in content that is related to any keyword that has a Google Advertiser.
  • If you are new then use it with Post and explain in detail about it due to direct use with Affiliate with Adsense.
  • Set the website menu correctly
  • Use Search Engine Optimization Tips correctly and increase the organic & relavant traffic on the website.
Must Read - Why is the Adsense Re-Submit Application released?
Friends, if you have to avoid having Google Adsense Disapproved , then you have to follow all the policies stated by Google correctly. If you do not do this then publisher ad from your website can be deleted by google or can be permanently disbale. Always Adsense will never go from your website written on the user friendly and Advertiser friendly post. If you have any kind of problem or want to share ideas, then you must comment.

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